Must-have plugins for your wordpress website

Must-have plugins for WordPress websites

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Are you feeling overwhelmed or frustrated when deciding to use some plugins for wordpress?

If you think it’s time to enhance your website’s functionality with some essential plugins for WordPress, this post is for you.

Go further reading to find a list of the top must-have plugins for WP.

Maybe you are ready for start working on content and attracting visitors to your website. ¿But are you sure your website is ready?

Maybe you were lucky enough to found a theme that didn’t require any customization at all. So, this was perfect for the design you had in mind, and you didn’t need to use any plugin.

There are over 60,000 plugins in the official WordPress repository. Within this immensity of plugins, there are some that you really should have

Before you proceed further with your website’s growth, you really need to address some other relevant topics.

Here we bring you an ultimate list of must-have plugins for your website that covers main concerns of a WP website.

Cache WP Plugins

Some of the best cache plugins you can choose from:

  • Autoptimize
  • WPcache
  • W3 Total Cache
  • WP Rocket
  • WP-Optimize

Any of these will provide advanced cache feature to your website.

Some of them are really easy to use and doesn’t require any initial setup

On the ohter hand, some other provides advanced configuration options.

Plugins for wordpress – SEO

A WP SEO plugin will help to create optimized content.

As a result, both users and search engines will recieve optimized content and your site’s performance will improve.

In addition, A SEO plugin will allow you to configure the overall SEO settings of a website

These are most popular SEO WP plugins nowadays:

  • Yoast
  • RankMath
  • SEOPress
  • SEMRush

Any of these plugins will apply the best SEO practices on your website, and will help you to create optimized content.

Security plugins for wordpress

After all these years in the market, WordPress has achieved a very acceptable level of security against all kind of attacks.

However, it’s essential to apply additional resources in order to prevent any possible issue.

Here is a list of the best security plugins for WP:

  • Sucury Security
  • WordFence
  • Solid Security
  • Defender

Contact Form WP plugins

This is not a strictly must-have plugin. However, it’s sure that you’ll need to gather some kind of information from your visitors by using a form.

Basically, a contact form plugin will help to create forms and display them fast and easy.

In addition, some of the contact forms plugins offers more features like subsciptions lists, pop ups form and more.

These are the most popular WP contact form plugins:

  • WPForms
  • Gravity Forms
  • Fluent Forms
  • Contact form 7

Page builder plugins

A page builder plugin will provide an enhanced WP experience, making easier to achieve outstanding designs without touching a line of code.

Of course, you can decide not to use any page builder. If this is your case, it’s recommended to disable the default WP page builder, Gutemberg.

Page builders you can choose from

  • Elementor
  • Divi
  • Site Origin
  • Beaver builder
  • Oxigen
  • Brizy


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